Annual Meeting Minutes from 2/13/2011

Posted on Thursday, July 21, 2011

The ninth annual meeting of the Long Hollow Estates Owners Association, Inc. was held on February 13, 2011 beginning at 2:02pm at True Grits restaurant in Jonestown. The following are the minutes of that meeting:

Members attending:

Roy Eggenberger

Michael Danahy

James & Julia Baldwin

Sue Anderson & Dave Eberhardt

Bill & Brenda Carr

Renwin & Isabella Yee

Tracy Bunnell

Paul & Karen Miller

David & Patty Rosado

Curtis & Birgit Sund

Curtis Sund called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM.

The Feb 14, 2010 minutes were reviewed. Paul Miller made a motion to approve the minutes. Roy Eggenberger seconded that motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Curtis reviewed the most recent changes to the By-laws all of which were reviewed at the previous meeting, but never officially amended. They will be amended and sent out.

Curtis gave the maintenance report starting with the Fence. The Board will look at getting the fence painted next year. Last year, quotes were obtained from several lawn maintenance companies. The Board made a change to the company that was used in the past and are happy with the service as well as a significant savings due to the change. Paul asked to obtain quotes on maintaining the cul-de-sac areas including the trees that are within the cul-de-sac. Sue discussed the need to look at having the road resealed since this year will be the third year since it was last sealed. The last quote given was $10K. We will look at getting another quote. Karen Miller asked if we are sure it really needs to be sealed every 3 yrs considering there is so little traffic. The Board will ask again to ensure it is necessary. Curtis discussed the Gate. The codes (1431/5432) will be changed. The temporary code will be ‘LAKE’. Curtis went over how difficult the software is in dealing with our gate and getting multiple codes. Due to the difficulty in programming the gate, Curtis has offered to take the ‘gatekeeper’ role and maintain the codes. Curtis will put a note on the gate asking FedEx, UPS, etc… to contact him directly for their new code. Each lot owner will be asked for a code that they will use. Usage reports will be run periodically and reported on. A knox box will be installed by the gate company. The only solution for power outages on the gate are taking it apart or installing batteries to each gate that will automatically open them should the power go out. The battery for each side of the gate is $550 each and $300 to install. We will ask about getting a battery for just one side to save money and will also inquire about how to test the batteries and the battery life. Being a new feature, the addition of this will need to be voted on by the community. In the meantime, Paul Miller offered to document how to disassemble the gate should a power outage occur.

Patty Rosado provided an update on the Architectural Committee. She reminded everyone of the need to submit plans for any new construction or improvement. Patty also asked that everyone make sure that you survey and put up lines when taking down trees so you don’t accidentally take down your neighbors trees. You also cannot take down trees between March-August unless you receive a special permit (due to golden cheek warblers). There have been 2 plans submitted this year and both were approved. One for new construction and one for an improvement. Curtis gave an update that the Board has asked the Architectural Committee that they take before and after pictures with new construction so we are aware of road conditions pre and post construction.

Curtis reviewed the voting procedures and announced the new web site he created with all of the community information ( He also reminded informed everyone of new Board email addresses ( and the address for the Architectural Committee ( if needing to submit plans.

Sue Anderson, the treasurer of the board, reviewed the profits and losses. She also discussed the budget and the potential need to raise dues by $10 should we decide to reseal the road this year. Paul asked if we all feel okay with the current reserves and whether we need that much. The decision was made that we have enough reserves but that we should redistribute the targets (specifically not needing so much in the legal) and that we can keep the dues at $100 for this year.

Curtis reviewed Board Elections and that each position runs each year. He asked who would like to serve on the Board this year. Sue Anderson and Bill Carr expressed their interest. No one else volunteered. Paul Miller expressed that it is very important that every lot/home owner take his/her turn to serve on the Board.

Curtis asked whether we should have a 3rd party manage the HOA. It is difficult to serve on the Board and enforce things when relationships with neighbors are at stake. We discussed an intermediary. Karen asked if Susan Friedrich could serve that role. Karen said that Susan had mentioned she would be willing to take on more with her current role. The Board will talk to Susan about this role and Tracy Bunnell will draft a complaint procedure and send it out.

Curtis opened the floor for questions/concerns. No additional items were brought up for discussion so a motion was made by Paul Miller to adjourn the meeting. David Rosado seconded the motion.

Action Items

Paul Miller – Document process for disassembling gate in case of power outage

Curtis Sund – Send out survey to all members

Curtis Sund – Reset gate code to ‘LAKE’ and send request for individual codes to members

Tracy Bunnell – Update the by-laws & document complaint procedure

Curtis Sund – Ask about battery for gate; how to test it and the full life time/cost

Sue Anderson – Get recommendations on resealing the road given the little traffic on the road

Bill Carr – Obtain new quotes for lawn maintenance on the cul-de-sacs

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